Friday, May 20, 2011

Hey, how's it going?

It's been a while (arguably never) since I've come on here and actually chatted about myself, and what's going on in my life. This blog post aims to reprimand that. This is a story of much greater than 51 words. This is what's on my mind. This is a story of all about how my life got twisted upside-down, and I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'm gonna tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air.

Not really. But I do have some things to say. Relax, they aren't super serious. I just feel like chatting is all.

I guess I can start with recent events. Approximately three weeks ago, I moved out of my parents' place temporarily to a sublet in Waterloo, for a co-op placement. I'm working at an e-Learning software company called Desire2Learn. My job is business applications development, which amounts to working on the software that the rest of the company uses to work on the software that is sold to clients. In short, "yo dawg."

So far, the job has been...okay. I don't feel like my work output is as high as it could be, but I'm also using technologies with which I am inexperienced, so there's a significant learning curve. A lot of my time is spent researching how the tools work rather than actually utilizing them. I'd like to say that's the only thing, but I also find myself slacking off more than I ought to. This is something I'm working to correct. It's difficult to adjust to full-time work after being in school, but I think I'm getting better at it. Now if only I could get up when my first alarm goes off...

Jumping back a page, I said I moved out of my parents' place. This is an entirely new experience for me, so you would expect such a thing to be a big deal, but it doesn't feel that way. Strangely enough, I've always adjusted well to big life changes. I remember when I moved out of my childhood home a few years ago, I found myself not caring in the slightest. It's not that I don't want to...I just don't. I don't know if that makes me emotionally strong or flawed, but living on my own has had seemingly no effect on me. One theory is that even while at home I was fairly independent, and only talked to my parents once or twice a day.

I've also stepped up my involvement with the anime club CTRL-A quite a bit. Last term, although not living in Waterloo, I visited every weekend to participate as much as I could. I was also elected the club's webmaster, in charge of the website's upkeep and posting regular news updates, so despite being firmly grounded in Brampton I was still involved a great deal. This term has taken that to a new level, however. In addition to being re-elected as webmaster, I also hold the position of club president. Next term I have to return to Brampton for school, so I want to take advantage of my term here and do what I can for the club. I think it's going well so far; such things are hard to gauge so if anyone has feedback I'd love to hear it.

And since this is all about new things, I also spontaneously signed up for my work's soccer team, which starts playing next Tuesday. Not sure how that will go, but it's something I want to try.

But my schedule lately has been a bit tried, to put it lightly. Tuesday nights are about to be eaten up by soccer. I've been spending my free nights trying to balance my exciting pastimes of watching anime, playing video games and talking with my girlfriend on MSN. I'm not doing as much of any of these as I want to, but that's mostly because of having a full-time job. I still really enjoy my weekends, because my girlfriend visits. And despite being busy with club stuff, I really enjoy the club events, so it's a good sort of busy. I'm busy spending time with friends. Sundays are usually my free days, which I spend with my girlfriend playing games or watching anime.

Things are pretty quiet in terms of gaming. I still haven't gotten around to a few games I've really been meaning to play, but I still found time for Pokémon wherever I can. I have a lot I could say about Pokémon but I'll save that for another blog post, another time. I've also been watching a few neat shows, but again, that's best saved for another blog post. I want to start having "non-51-word-story" blog posts more frequently, and this is part of my endeavour to do that. I don't know if people enjoy me ranting about myself, so let me know what you think in the comments.


  1. Cool beans, though I actually had no idea that you were in Waterloo.

  2. I enjoy reading about other people's lives. Interesting stuff.

    Moving out of the house to Waterloo during my first year, I felt pretty much the same as you. Didn't feel like it was a big deal, but definitely some others around my res felt otherwise. Everyone's different.
