Monday, February 7, 2011

Played some Ghost Trick, met a duck. Good times.

Did some pretty random stuff this weekend, although it was a pretty typical weekend by my standards, to be honest.

On Friday, on my way to Waterloo on the GO bus, I was playing a bit more Ghost Trick, and it continues to be awesome. I want to direct your attention to the below video: 

I repeat, awesome. Not done yet so I won't say more, but expect a review and/or a spoiler-filled analysis once I'm done.

Friday night I saw a play performed at the University, FASS of the Titans. They have a different play every year, apparently. This is the first one I've seen and it was pretty good. Felt like there was maybe too many characters, though I think that was intentional. I hear that last year's play was video game-themed, so I'd really like to see that if I could get a hold of a DVD copy.

Saturday was the usual zaniness of a cosplay tea party at Amy's. Went to get Ash's Pikachu and shiny Suicune from Pokémon events in Toys R Us and EB Games, respectively. Went to Fabricland and got blue fabric for a cosplay I'm doing. Watched lots of random stuff, including two Pokémon movies, the Clue movie, and some weird thing called Swans. Also played a game of YugiSchwarzMon. Don't ask.

Went shopping on Sunday for stuff for a shepherd's pie. Just outside of Sobeys, I met a mallard. His name is Sir Duckington Quacksworth the Third.

He was gone by the time I left the store. I hope he's okay. I did make that shepherd's pie though, and it was quite delicious.

Had a job interview this morning at Desire 2 Learn. I think it went well. Was probably overdressed (my interviewer was wearing a sweater, and was also pretty tired apparently due to yesterday's Super Bowl) but I didn't mind. I like wearing a suit; makes me look spiffy.

Writing this blog post makes me realize I need to take more pictures of the stuff I'm doing. I'm still not used to having a camera on me at all times, since I didn't before I got my iPhone a few months ago. I'll try better for next time.

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